Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mum making sehri

."ahh shut up! Iam waking up hold on." Muttering I smack the STOP button on the red, pig shaped alarm clock and get out of my bed rubbing my swollen eyes trying to find my slippers in the dark moonlit room. Still muttering and now whinning too I go into the bathroom, squinting my eyes against the strong light of the yellow bulbs as i turn the switches on to wash my face and scrub my uptill now staright teeth. The splashes of cold water on my face brought life into me and by the time i got myself into my gown I was in a presentable state of a mother who was going to feed her children.
Running down the stairs I lite the kitchen and position myself infront of the large window.
"Muneeb, Muneeb," I bellowed on top of my lungs to wake up the sleeping servant whose snors were audible till here. When no response came I tried the intercom. The bell was loud enough to wake the dead, however, when it came to the servants it was no more than a mouse's squeak. Failing to wake the pathan boy I sat down on the table waiting for everyone to come down. My husband is the first to come down shaking his head looking displeased.
"The kids need to start acting their age. it took me fifteen minutes to wake them up. What kind of attitude is this? They are old enough to set alarms and wake up themselves," stated my children's eye swollen angry father, looking at me for support. Giving him the sweetest smile I said,
"Like father like son," leaving him staring open-mouth staring at me i go to the stove to start preparing our tea motionning him to quit staring and go wake up the servants. Five minutes later my two sons and a daughter trudge into the kitchen settling down into their seats on the table. My daughter still rubbing her eyes demanded for a hunter chicken sandwhich followed by a sweet smile, Smiling myself I take two slabs of chiken meat out of the freezer and put them into the microwave for defrosting. outside my husband was struggling to wake up the servants shotuing his name outside his room door. Finally the door squeaked and out came a red eyed boy apologising and rushing inside. Handing him the defrosted chicken slabs for him to fry I turn back at the table to find the younger of the two sons snoring away on the table mat. Sighing, i ask the other one and his order was for an omlet.
"Jamshaid..Jamshaid..JAMSHAID!' I finally shouted and there he was staring wide eyes at me. Satisfied I asked his order and then went to the fridge to take out the eggs. I had just cracked them into the bowl when hubby darling comes in followed by the other servant. Handling the other pathan boy the eggs I take the now ready tea on the table to my husband and settled down in my chair releived that now the servants can handle the rest.
Nobody said a word during the entire time and only when the last piece of bread was taken by my husband to finish his last piece of fried chicken, did my daughter stated that she was going to bed. The brothers followed her after five minutes murmuring their goodnights, leaving me and their dad who had the cross look again on his face.
"They need to grow up and take responsibilty. What kind of attitude is this?" Laughing loudly I push my chair back and gave him a light peck on the cheek and whispered,
"Goodnight." and swayed upstairs.


Talha Khan said...

Tum logon ki namaazein mein parhoonga kya?

minahyl said...

hahah...oopz forgot that...

Talha Khan said...

yea keep on forgetting and you'll be in hell with me!