Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our new president

Busy with my own life i never really had time to look into the poltical situation of our country. However, yes, i did keep myself a little if not that much informed of the headlines that moved the country every now and then.
6th of September 2008 marks the beginning of a new era which has already started from the time the moment Asif Ali Zardari won the seat for the president of Pakistan on this date. No one knows what will happen in the future and we certainly are not sure of the upcoming issues that this country will may have to face. Presidents came presidents went. This is an ongoing process that will never finish and today marks the day when the twelfth president for the Islamic State of Pakistan has been elected and now begins a brand new journey either towards success or towards an ugly downfall.
We as citizens are helpess here as now we and our country is in the hands of a third person. All we can do is to sit and watch what happens next. Keeping our fingers crossed we let the new president take power and control of the scattering nation in hope for a better future and economic position.
All the best Mr. President.

1 comment:

Talha Khan said...

All i can say to Zardari being the president is "Hold my breath as i wish for death, oh please God Wake Me!"