Sunday, November 30, 2008

Finding Forrester

William Forrester was an old man who preffered hiding inside his apartment than coming out to the world. All day long he would sit inside his small apartment writing. Writing was his passion, his hobby which kept him so busy that he never found the urge in him to go out and do other things that any other human being would crave for. Though everyone knew that there was a man who lived up in the apartment and who never came out, they never got to know the real William Forrester. The real him was kind helpful man who never shared his life with anyone. There were all sorts of rumours about him which in reality were all false. He was not like a normal man as he preffered isolance. Also his behaviour was also peculiar than most.
Agoraphobia is the irrational fear of open or public places. William FOrrester did have this fear in him and so he always stayed inside his apartment and never got out.

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